Let go of guilt It’s by Love’s hand we’re built Born with grace and security Formed with thoughtful image Perfected to the hilt Asked of us only is a willingness to see That God loves us and this Truth sets us free So wake up and smile, get up off your knees You will find in the end, illusion in sin And in each moment, a new chance to begin The way out mirroring the way back in Saying what we mean and meaning what we say Giving all that we have and having it all come back our way Giving to whomever we please We can have it all and have no fear Limitations are lifted by courage made clear Our pleasure grows as we forgive Strengthening us and protecting us From within as from above So let’s not conflict one with another That's no way to live Remember you were made from love Bite that guilt bug back Say, “Be off with you, Get on down the track” You’ll find that feeling good Is worth a little effort Worthiness is the prize When we realize We deserve it