Co-Creator Conspiracy

Peace lives 
ever where
our heart rests

Pain exists
in conflicts of interest

Behind the confines
of our imprisoned minds
in those moments
we choose
to be unkind
Our tongue
by tradition, an easy bribe
carves words that both denounce
and desperately ascribe

life both ignorant
and sublime
obsessed with maintaining
in space and in time
With our eye focused on brutality
We have polarized reality
We must with intention
manifest equity

unfolding our love
as a butterfly makes a flower
balancing nature
reveals our

inner power
Allow peace
through peaceful thought
build with expansive vision
bridge the void with form

we are
each one of us
both up to it
and down to it
This alone
is our own

Love is God's main course
Desire, a just dessert
Ecstasy, the food of prayer
Nourishing us and healing hurt.
With our smiles sweet
Our eyes
fired with delight

we know
without doubt
the pleasure is right
You will never know hell
by wishing your neighbor well
lifting them along the way
together, by choice
we choose to create
a lighter day

In the palm of our hand
Are counted
each and every grain of sand

We all choose
our own voice

to judge each other
or rejoice

So my friend,
rest assured

let your mind be at ease
We are healed and we are cured
We have collectively kicked
every disease
Our prayer is always heard
Without saying please
Let's use interchangeable pronouns
It doesn't matter
how It is pronounced

Me or Him or You or We
Any One sets any other One free

Rob Chavez 1991