Family Home


A welcoming home wide open,
soothed by breezes breathing free.
Shaded with trees
grown wise through the ages.

Illumined with love learned and taught.
Founded on solid rock,
grounded by thought.

All paths lead to this peaceful place.
A destination of refuge,
salvation and grace.

Warmed by the hearth, abundant bread.
No one denied entry, no one arrives late
Gently we are guided
through this garden gate.

Manifest in this very moment
self evident truths we hold so dear.
Without action or reaction, all is well.
Our eyes see present and clear.
Each heartbeat releasing fear.

From God’s essence we emerge
and in His sacred heart we remain.
Our mind breathing deep.
Peace and passion supplanting lust.
Agape kisses sealing trust.

The floor beneath us drops.
Our feet they hang.
We look up –
the roof is gone.

The roof is gone.
We are directly connected
to the Divine.

Thanks to the Holy Sound,
Each time we meditate,
We find another way
to release our weight
and carve for ourselves
a finer fate.

The earth turns on forgiveness.
Axis secure.

In this sacred moment,
paradise flashes.
Every supplication
granted us.

We are One if it is our belief.
Inclusion confirmed by inquiry.
Every natural law proving equality
and omnipresent everlasting unity.

This expansive view confirms no doubt.
Knowing with a sweet smile,
We all share a common source
– the Universal Mind.

There is never only me
and there is no other.
Our family is always One with another.

We receive all that we give.
We experience all that our love allows.
Powerfully so, Our mind can create magic
right here and right now
and dissolve those illusions which make us cry.
Our very thoughts
causes Earth’s spin
and suspends the sky.

Everything we focus on expands
Be it love we make or tears of regret
The key to mastery is no secret.

Perhaps, but with righteous reason.
Lighting up the mind merits repeating.
In this way we measure time.
A repeating chime.
Cyclical. Like desires. Like lack of desire.
Quantum, multidimensional. Revolutionary.

Re-turning at last
in this century twenty-first.
All things possible reign.
Golden grain growing again.

We come to find
our family home resting inside,
as we love for eternity.
Never lost and forever free.

Rob Chavez